

  • Welcome, I have just started back after a while myself. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • I'll start with you if you'd like. I am going to start with day one tonight. Let me know...
  • Ok, I am about to start tonight. It has been a while, but I am looking forward to it.
  • Yes, I think anyone who has EVER tried to lose weight has been through this, but it sounds like you are on the right track and congratulations for your pounds lost so far! I am currently on my third go-round with losing baby weight and the third time is nuts. I reached my goal with the other two, and I will succeed again.…
  • Make no mistake, this is NOT to provide a replacement to exercise and a good diet because you need that no matter what; however, the RIGHT cleanse is just that- a cleanse to get toxins and chemicals that you ingest out of your body to get your body systems working more regularly. They are also great if you find that you…
  • Hello, Body cleansing is a good way to get rid of toxins that you may have put in your body such as antibiotics, preservatives and chemicals from fast food and processed foods, pesticides from some farm-grown plants and products, etc. My husband try to cleanse ourselves at least twice a year. I have used three. One is…
  • This is my second round of insanity, and I am about to go into my recovery week before I start month 2. If you think you go insane now, just wait. Month two is more than killer, and I LOVE it. Keep up the great work guys!
    in Insane Comment by mariamcneal July 2011
  • Hello, I do Insanity and this is my second time going completely through the program. I am currently on the third week of the first month and I can tell you that I love it. You are right, your body will go into shock but don't let that stop you. Even when you are sore the next day, work through it. As long as you make sure…