

  • Right well...if you have purely exercise induced asthma then you may want to look into some meds: (1) long acting beta agonist-- Salmeterol (goes by the trade name of serevent) (2) mast cell stabilizers-- Cromolyn Sodium (goes by the trade name Intal) mast cell stabalizers can be very effective in preventing exercise…
  • ok well this to me seems very strange. Do you have symptoms when you dont exercise or is your asthma only exercise induced? I really thought you would at least be on inhaled steroids? Also, feel free to add me as a friend and msg me if you want to continue this conversation.
  • off topic, but which meds are you on? There are some meds that can be quite effective for exercise induced asthma.
  • This post explains what to expect while using this site. <http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/9433-expectations>
  • 1300 calories a day and you said you were 300 calories under that. You are eating way too little. Your dizziness was definitely due to low blood sugar. Next time you feel dizzy like that eat a small piece of candy and a fruit. Candy will get your blood sugar up fast and fruit will keep it up. Also you may have to rethink…
    in :( Comment by AJKrunner March 2010
  • Most likely low blood sugar, which means your total calorie intake was most likely too low. You should not be too far under your basal metabolic rate as it will hurt you in the long run. What is your calorie goal?
    in :( Comment by AJKrunner March 2010
  • i usually put just plain balsamic vinegar...2 tablespoons= 30 calories http://www.calorieking.com/foods/calories-in-vinegars-balsamic_f-Y2lkPTExNjcwJmJpZD0xOTEwJmZpZD0xNDk4OTcmZWlkPTUzNDc2ODk3OCZwb3M9MSZwYXI9JmtleT1iYWxzYW1pYyB2aW5lZ2Fy.html
  • Change your routine. Every time I reach a plateau I change the type of exercise I am doing. I go from running to biking etc. Also, you may have stalled your metabolism. In which case slightly increasing your calorie intake may be beneficial. I have personally found that having green tea before workouts helps to keep the…