

  • This might sound a little crazy, but I've had a similar problem for most of my (albeit also short!) life, and what worked for me was to increase the fat (good fats) in my meals. I know you don't eat meat, but there plenty of other ways to get fat (pistachios, almonds, avacados) so next time, when your body says it isn't…
  • Everythings better with a buddy! :D I don't typically track on here much but I lurk reddit often (best way to contact me!) Everyone is welcome. Name: Danielle Reddit: KetoPilly Stats: 21/F Location: Los Angeles, CA (northridge area)
  • Shorts! I never wear shorts...and a form fitting shirt! ...I never wear those either... It's going to be great :)
  • @ crisanderson27: haha you made me smile
  • Arbys? Cheeseburgers? I Knew being healthy wasn't just eating grass and carrots! ;D Seriously though, I'm glad to hear that being healthy doesn't necessarily mean to stop completely eating things you enjoy. :s
    in Guess what? Comment by Vexxed June 2011
  • O: my mom does the work out by shaun T. It's true...that is Quite the work out, but it's fun as well! We had fun times doing that workout together.
    in INSANITY Comment by Vexxed June 2011