RebekahhAnn Member


  • Been there...Done that......NOPE!.....It just doesn't Work!!!!!! I must be accountable somewhere....and this is the BEST spot ever!! If I don't log in(no matter what the reason)....I become lax in my good eating habits.....I may have to fight to get back to where I was....but it is completely worth it. It helps me to keep…
  • I am looking for an August Challenge since this month looks to be most difficult. I am a caregiver and my duties have increased. I really need an outlet for stress and encouragement to keep losing. I would like to join the August Challenge for walking. I will attempt the 31 miles. I now need to find a ticker to record my…
  • I guess....every diet.....affects everyone differently. I am a lifetime member of WW. The last time I had dieted with WW I was on the core program....not counting points. Apparently they still have it...but you must ask for the instructions. The new program offers me much too much food...I believe. I have just been…