mamabear272 Member


  • I can only wonder if you're talking about the 3 of 4 pictures showing just her boobs. :huh:
  • I did it! It took me 49 minutes. I walked and jogged. I'm not used to running in the cold and I'm a little over half way through the c25k program. I'm happy with how it went. And I'm so glad I did it! I will definitely be doing more of this running thing. lol
  • I've seen Kid Rock 4 times in Detroit (we live in Toledo) and it's an awesome show! He always has to add extra dates.
  • As concerts go, I saw Jack Wagner in 1986 (don't judge me! :laugh:) I was 14 and was second row. He touched my finger as he went by slapping hand with the audience. I was so in love with him (still am :love: ) and it was my first "cool" concert I went to. Now as for live performances...hands down Lion King on stage! The…
  • That's what I keep trying to tell myself, that at least I'm doing it. I went to the gym and I'm in a better mind set now. I will probably feel the same again tomorrow. LOL I just have to work through it.
  • Thank you all for sharing. I don't know that I feel better about it but I do feel like I can do it. I think when I run today I'm going to to do my W5D1 and then walk my way up to 3 miles and see how long it takes me.
  • LOL Too funny! I'm certainly not a track star! And yes it is for a charity. It's for the Autism Society of NW Ohio. My son has Asperger's. I'll try to keep that in mind when I get out there. I still can't get rid of these butterflies though. UGH!
  • Thanks! I'm not looking at it as a race. I know I'm not crossing that line first and I don't care about that. I don't even know what I think. I am wondering if that's my biggest problem. Fear of the unknown. I just don't even want to go. I know my hubby would never let me pull that one though. LOL
  • I have missed several episodes this season just because I can't stand most of the contestants. The ones I can stand were sent home already! My cousin asked me if I saw it so I watched it online and was completely disgusted!! They have been a bunch of waa babies all year! I am also getting tired of the constant commercials!…
  • This! I opened the thread just for that purpose! LMAO
  • BAHAHAHA Peachy! My run is 4.5 right now! It's what I can do without my legs feeling like they're gonna fall off! When I log it on MFP that speed comes up as a fast walk. I don't care about my speed yet. I'm just trying to learn how to run, then I'll work on my speed. Today will be W5D1 of C25K. W5D3 will be the day I'm…
  • Definitely good shoes!! Get specifically running shoes. They're lighter than other shoes. I was running in Sketcher's Shape-ups for too long. I just bought running shoes and the weight difference is crazy!
  • Not gonna lie, it looks impressive. I thought about buying it. I'm celiac though and never even thought about gluten being in it. I probably wouldn't have ever done it anyway. :laugh:
    in Sensa Comment by mamabear272 April 2012
  • There is indeed an iPhone app for that. C25K starts you out running a minute then walking 90 seconds. Maybe until you feel more comfortable you could run 30 seconds and walk for a minute. They have the Biggest Loser contestants running right away though. Start slow and don't try to kill yourself but you have to push out of…
  • LOL He's the reason I watch! *swoon*
  • Don't be jealous of those who have had surgery or those who can. There are too many times I've seen it not work. I mean it works to help lose weight quickly but not necessarily to keep it off. Look at Carny Wilson. We also have a radio personality here who's had lap band several years ago and he still hasn't lost any…
  • I do most of my running inside. I go to a gym and the treadmills face a window to a busy street. We're not close enough for the cars to really look inside but I can see them going by. I put Netflix on and watch old Melrose Place episodes (don't judge me :laugh:).
  • I'd make sure that you have it available but just one or 2 portions. That way you take care of the craving but you're not going overboard. If you deny the craving for too long, you'll end up binging. At least that's what I've found to be true. Travis Stork from The Doctors was just on Rachael Ray and said the same thing.…
  • There are a lot of things that induce migraines. Caffeine, dairy, smoking, stress, hormones, alcohol. You know, all fun stuff. LOL Well except for the stress and hormones. :wink: I got my first one when I was pregnant with my daughter.
  • The tea could be the caffeine.
  • Yes, not everyone has problems with them. I don't have issues either. I have seen a lot of celiacs say that they have problems with the nightshades too. I'm glad I don't. I do feel bad for those who do though!
  • How bout that Bruins/Caps game huh? :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Watching the Washington/Boston game right now. I'm so excited! I live in Ohio and don't get to see The Caps on TV unless they're playing Detroit usually. I love play-offs...till we get eliminated. :laugh:
  • hate the wings but I'm with you on CINDY Crosby! :laugh:
  • That was my FIL's team. They have a special place in my long as they're not playing the Caps! :laugh:
  • No you are most certainly not!! Let's go Caps!! :happy:
  • Caps family here! LOL
  • Oh I certainly have dealt with bullying. My son had been bullied since 5th grade. He has Asperger's (for those who don't know it's on the Autism spectrum) and is gay. He didn't come out of the closet till he was 16 but he's always kind of had the mannerisms. Between the 2 things he was a perfect target. It came to a head…
    in Bully Comment by mamabear272 April 2012
  • I am feeling much better now. Thank you! Still weaning out of the headaches and dizzy spells but it gets better everyday!