

  • not sure I follow... I thought my point was clear in that most people would rather drive 1/4 mile to Dairy Queen or 7/11 instead of a healthy walk... that's blatant laziness to the extreme...
  • I don't know... you tell me... how much did you eat and what did you eat... and aside from walking, what other forms of exercise did you engage in? I said _some_ calories... probably enough to keep people thinner during a time where far less junk food was available... therefore, the "environment" at the time was even more…
  • exactly... like I said before, people didn't have the luxury (or disadvantage at this point) of a motor vehicle or even a bike to get to places, thus, walking everywhere "at least" burned _some_ calories... meanwhile, today, we still make the choice to drive for even just 1/4 mile... pathetic...
  • yep, there is too much food (not just junk), too much alcohol and too many ciggs in this country... let's all move to a 3rd world country because this environment is just forcing Doritos down my throat, alcohol thru my liver and smoke into my lungs... mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa... now if I could only react...
  • this environment thing is getting old... taking aside people with legitimate problems, it is very easy to reach obesity regardless of the environment... I'm obese but I am not going to blame Costco for selling bulk twinkies or BK for selling triple whoppers... just because these establishments exist, it does not mean I…
  • >People with a medical condition that makes it challenging to lose weight are a small minority of the people on this planet. agreed... and even amongst these scenarios ... it remains to be seen whether or not these conditions were self-inflicted by the individual's poor diet... heart disease, diabetes, insulin-resistance…