

  • It takes time. There's a lot of factors to consider. Do you have an athletic past? Are you wearing comfortable gear? Those new shoes you're going to buy should be fitted by a professional. Injury lurks around the corner for somebody who chooses a footwear bargain. Never mind speed right now. Work on style and economy of…
  • Wow! Substantial progress. Pat on the back for you! Carry on!
    in Newbie Comment by breezeski July 2011
  • Yes, good luck with both of your projects. I've been using the site for about 20 days. It takes a little time to get rolling. (data entry of your own foods and database searching of others) but it really starts to kick in. I try to update right after eating/drinking so I know the score for the rest of the day. If I get…
  • The only thing quick about a life changing program is the initial thought. Otherwise, It's a long, long road. Take your time, enjoy the view. A couple things people forget . . . 1) You're trying to tinker and adjust a survival program your genetics took thousands of years to develop. At certain points of weight loss your…