Anything with spices (cumin and main Thai food spices) are hard for me to digest. I just get full really quickly and nauseous so I have to stop eating sometimes for the entire day, which makes it even harder to gain weight! I have seen Asian noodles that are gluten free and are in plainer broth , is that the same as Thai…
Trail mix can work if I make my own, that is a good idea. Thank you both so much. I have seen a nutritionist when I was in college, but maybe now that my lifestyle has changed it would be a good idea to see one again.
Hi, I have Celiac Disease which leads me to a gluten free diet. I have a weight gaining problem though, due to a slow digesting, sensitive stomach it is hard to eat a lot. I do have some words of encouragement though, MANY (mainly ALL) of my friends who are on a gluten free diet have started to lose weight. I, on the other…