ettezus Member


  • Oh I totally know what you mean. The first week was agony for me. I just couldn't focus. I did up my meals to about 5 smaller ones a day, except for breakfast. I made sure my breakfasts were heavier, e.g. whole grains, protein. Tends to make me less hungry throughout the morning, which sets the pace for most of the…
  • Really depends on where you opt to get it and how much you still have to lose. I have a couple, but I always chose a spot that won't likely stretch out too much over time (due to weight gain, etc). Like the back of my ear, inner ankle, etc. Dextress is definitely right that the stomach may be a little different. I would…
    in Tattoos Comment by ettezus July 2012
  • Hi Amy! Definitely in the same boat. I fell off the wagon several times throughout the year and I'd actually like to reach my goal weight and get back to how fit I was when I was in high school. Hopefully we can keep each other on track! Sent a friend request :)
  • Hi there! I'm glad to hear that despite your setbacks, you're pushing forward. Keep it up! Sending a friend request :)
  • Hi Brittany and welcome to MFP! My name's Suzette and I'm basically new (in the "I am restarting my battle against the bulge" way). You and I are kind of the same boat -- I'm aiming to lose between 20-25 lbs. to get into my healthy range, or into a range that will basically make me feel good about myself. Hopefully we can…
  • Well-written personal ad! -- no, no I kid, ha ha. Jokes aside -- congratulations on getting started on your "fitness journey" (I'd call it weight loss, but honestly, that's juts one part of it all)! My name's Suzette and I'm 23 and once upon a time, I was also around your weight (200 lbs, but on a 5 foot frame, yikes!) and…
  • Age: 23 HT: 5'0.5" (every inch counts! lol) SW: 150 (from May 2012) CW: 145 GW: 130 UGW: 120-125 Feel free to add -- would love the support!
  • Finally got down to opening the DVD. L1D1 today -- a little sweat; most of my pain was during the first five minutes -- it's been a while since I did that much bouncing around. I've had knee problems before, and I'm going to be jogging at least 3 times a week during the 30DS and into the summer, so I'm going to have to be…
  • Just got it in the mail -- super stoked to try. Starting tomorrow, June 3rd. A few days late, but literally swamped in work and reports. I'm slowly adding jogging back into my life after months of hiatus, so I hope it'll fit into my work/school schedule well. I have a personal goal of reaching a healthy weight for my…
  • Not quite a grad student YET, but hopefully soon. Crossing my fingers that I get in? (Here's to hoping!) BUT... yes, just doing my undergrad thesis was awfully tiring. I can only imagine what grad work is like. Though... I imagine it probably feels more rewarding than courses upon courses. Anyhow.