Krümelmonster Member


  • I think overweight people generally have very bad eating habits and they make the wrong choices more or less every single day or for each meal. And that's what made them fat!! Not a few days a month when you just tend to eat more than you should..... There are so many occasions like a birthday party, weddings, eating too…
  • Hi Everybody :) Thanks for all the nice and positive replies. Your advise to concentrate more on building muscle instead of trying to lose more weight is probably really the best. I guess I am maybe a bit "skinny fat" because I might have very little weight but my body itself does still look quite unsporty. I already do…
  • Sorry, there was a problem but now you should be able to see them :) I am approximately 5 feet (154 cm)
  • Hello everybody! I am also approximately 5'1 . Right now I am trying to lose a bit more weight so that I will be able to eat with a good conscience during Christmas time. :) My diary is open and you can add me if you like.
  • Hallöchen :) Mein Fitnessziel für heute habe ich glücklicherweise schon erreicht. Bin 7 km von der Arbeit nach Hause gelaufen und das steil den Berg nach oben. Bei der extremen Hitze ging's zwar nur langsam voran aber wenigstens etwas. Vielleicht kann ich mich nachher noch dazu aufraffen ein paar Bauchübungen zu machen…
  • I moved from Germany to Israel and since I live here I was able to lose about 10 kg!!! This is a perfect sign that it isn't hard at all to eat healthy and do sports in this part of the world. I completely agree with brevislux. Although gyms might really be quite expensive here it's much easier to just simply get out of the…
  • Hallo :) Bin auch Deutsche aber lebe in Israel. Die meisten Leute verstehen wahrscheinlich nicht warum ich hier angemeldet bin bei einem Gewicht um die 45 kg. Aber ich bin ja schließlich auch ziemlich klein (154 cm) und habe regelrecht panische Angst wieder Gewicht zuzulegen weil ich zu Teenagerzeiten ein ziemliches…
  • First of all, thank you so much for all the replies! Your advice is really helpful and it makes me feel good to know that there are other people in the world how can really understand my situation and the feelings that come along with it. You are really motivating and I know now that I am on the right way and that I should…
  • I love Asian food! And of course Italian :) I could really eat Pizza and Pasta every day.
  • Thank you all so much for the replies and the advise. I guess it is probably really just simply the best to enter every single ingredient separately or to already create an own recipe on myfitnesspal. That's what I am usually doing when I am not too lazy. But in this case the problem is definitely that I am not the one who…