gogospice Member


  • Paramedic, Manage an Industrial Paramedical Company/Safety Coordinator, Spa Owner, Scheduling Coordinator and Motivational Coach for a local magazine... Ummm now that I actually wrote that down, we could just sum it into one. WORK-A-HOLIC
  • 5'10" And I weigh 299.8 Just hit the 200's yesterday! GO ME! My goal is between 185 & 175 I'll see when I get there. If appropriate, I might go for less.
  • Me too! We will get there! Hard work and determination!
  • Week # 1 -- July 30th -- Goal 360 minutes: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 360
  • Oh I can relate to this! My roommates are slobs too! I feel like a freaking nag on a regular basis. I clean before I leave for the weekend and come home to a DISASTER! One night I was so pissed off that I posted a sign on the kitchen cupboards. "Dear Russell, I'm feeling very dirty! I wish you would do me! Love, Dishes &…
  • If you look into the sun you can take your teeth out. I was so envious that my grandpa could take his teeth out. I tried very very hard for a very very long time (with no luck, might I add)! I still chuckle at the memory!
  • I go to the Shed Fitness Center. If any of you watched village on a diet. Thats the gym they used. Just so happens that now the TV show is over hardly anyboyd uses it. Maybe one other person sometimes two there. It's great! I always have a pick of equipment! And I think I'm pretty delish. So I'm giving it a score of 9.5…
  • I do believe I will be adding this to my grocery list!
  • The closes thing I ever did was burlesque! So much fun! I'd be swinging around a pole if I had the chance!! I'd say go for it! I bet it is the best time ever!
  • I work my butt off at the gym that day, and then treat myself (within moderation) But if I'm going to burn 800-1200 calories, you'd better believe I'm going to enjoy eating those calories back!
  • I've been doing Hydro Riding (basically spin class in the pool) and It is only 40 minutes... Makes no sense to me!
  • My go to snack for situations like this is a hardboiled egg. I don't know what it is, but it fills me up instantly and I'm good to go!
  • Frozen hashbrowns! They are about 80 calories per cup (surprising, I know!). I make them and add scrambled egg whites, cheese and salsa. I don't think I could ever get tired of this breakfast!
  • Topping my 3.5 minute run the other day with a 4 minute run! Progress! I'm loving it! Plus I fit into clothes I haven't fit in for the last 4 years! Gave away all my clothes that were too big because I'm NEVER going to need them again!
  • I like motivation!!
  • Haha AWESOME! You had better start naming your unborn children now!!
  • I got a 4lb bag of Quinoa from Costco for $10.00. Some pasta sauce, a couple heads of lettuce, some fruit and eggs. Total was about $20.00 and I could have easily eaten for 2 weeks!
    in Broke Comment by gogospice July 2012
  • I work my butt off at the gym the day I go out. This leaves me with more options than if I did just my normal workout.
  • I'm in love with the biggest loser boot camp video! Seems to do wonders for me! And I don't find it to be too high impact.
  • Pretty sure I need to start going to your gym... Look at all the eye candy!! PS... You are included in that statement!
  • I usually just rub a little olive oil on top, season it with Roasted Red Pepper seasoning, and burbon pepper. Pop it in the oven (on a pizza stone) and bake until the juices run clear. Comes out tender everytime.
  • As the person who made the dress code at my company (as well as every other policy), I can tell you that every stupid rule was made for a reason! It only takes one idiot to ruin it for everyone else. Sometimes I feel like a hag for writing down the things I do, but, some idiot somewhere forced my hand! I do agree, it…
  • I love this! Great thread!
  • I'm a bit of a carb *kitten*... I started eating quinoa and that all changed. I no longer crave bread, pasta, rice... I eat it as a substitute for oatmeal and pasta the most. Breakfast consists of Quinoa and fruit with some cinnamon Lunch or Dinner consists of Quinoa with pasta sauce and some sort of meat (hamburger,…
  • Pretty sure I've heard the same shmuck from one of my friends. I wasn't buying it. As soon as you quit taking the product and start eating again, you are going to gain it all back! At the same time... most people are sold on it because they are looking for the easy way out!
  • I was craving ice cream. So I walked my butt 35 minutes to the store to get some. Got home. Put 1/2 a cup in a bowl, put a cup of some fresh fruit salad on top and voila! My sweet tooth was satisfied, and I felt good about it too! Don't sweat it. We all have good and bad days. Tomorrow is a new one, so make it great!
  • To get my butt off this chair and make the fruit salad I just logged to go on top of the ice cream I just walked for 35 minutes to get!
  • I wore my regular runners at first on the treadmill. I could run for about a minute before I started to hurt (probaby because I'm so terribly out of shape). I splurged and bought new running shoes, and my time went from 1 minute to 3 and a half without the aches and pains. I find with proper shoes its easier to go longer.…
  • Nicely done! What a great feeling!! I just tried on clothes before I went to bed. I fit in a pair of pants I couldn't fit in two weeks ago! As well as a shirt i've been hoarding for two years (with the tags still on) I'm stoked, as you should be! PS... what the heck is a NSV?