

  • Oh my gosh. thank you so much for this!! i'm printing this out and as soon as i am done with the 30 day shred, i'm going to start this 3 days a week. congrats on your progress too!!
  • thats so funny, the 30 day shred is what i have been doing!! im on day 9 and already am seeing results in my body. but i definitely needed a change in routine and eating. thanks for all your help! :)
  • do you mean bigger dumb bells? i could do that. if thats what you meant. what sizes do you recommend?
  • Oh haha i know, im not afraid. i just dont have the access to use higher weights right now. anything i do i have to do with my daughter or at home bc my husband is deployed and i live states away from any family. and i cant take her to the gym haha.
  • this was all so helpful!! thank you so much. so you think my NET calories should be 1400-1500 right?
  • well i guess i should have said that haha. i do circuit training for 30 minutes everyday too. but yes this all helped tremendously. i dont want to cut out the runs because i am a distance runner (training for a 10k). have been since i was 14 and im now 25 so i cant just stop running. i just needed to know how to compensate…