

  • LOL....some differences of opinion, I see!!! Thanks for the link to the Paleo group! I have to agree, I don't see where eating humanely raised meat, natural fruits and veggies and taking out chemicals is extreme!!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement!!! It DOES make sense, right? Just eating whole, natural foods? No processed junk, no food-like substances....I'm ON IT!!!!
  • OH MY GOD...That's a really sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that. I would never impose what I do on anyone else, I figure everyone is the master of their own body and I truly, truly, believe that different things work for different people - for instance, I tried for years and years to be a…
  • welcome! i'm just getting started also with MFP...have been able to lose 30lbs on my own but have been stuck for the last 9 months at the same weight - so I'm still looking to lose another 30....i'm thinking maybe keeping track of how much i'm eating is going to be helpful, especially with the support of others on this…
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