Lyndom Member


  • I'm 40 with a girl 6 & a boy 2. I've only joined recently but I'm finding the food tracker really helpful and can't wait until I'm in a position to post my before & after pictures. Its a real inspiration reading all the sucess stories.
  • I'm 5'5'' and aged 40. My goal is 135lbs, anything under that & my face looks too gaunt & it doesn't suit my frame either - big boobs, small waist. I think as you get older losing too much weight from your face can make you look older rather than younger. At that weight I'm a european size 10, which is a US size 6( I…
  • Co.Meath, Ireland
  • Thanks Guys, I'm feeling so determined, I want to get back to my skinny self again. Haven't really seen her in 7 years. Loving the food diary & exercise tracker.
    in Hi everyone. Comment by Lyndom June 2011