

  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I have done well with the stairmill, weights, and eating healthy 6 out of 7 days. I try to eat 6 times a day and workout strong.
  • That is a good tip. If I don't have time in the morning I will remember those words. Thanks
    in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • You will see results!
    in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • sounds really familiar! I also feel energized the rest of the day. One problem- I am always hungry.
    in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • energy all day is a bonus
    in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • 150 hr is strong you are working super hard. 208 at 11% is impressive keep it up. I have a ways to go to get there
    in morning cardio Comment by pbor June 2011
  • This is my fifth day recording my progress and my first post. I am looking to get back into shape and have givin myself 90 days to accomplish my weight loss goal. I started Sunday at 228.7 and have already dropped down to 218.5 (lots of water weight) so I am looking to stay on track. Goal is to be at 185 by September 4th.…
    in My first day Comment by pbor June 2011