Cisco99 Member


  • We buy our groceries at Costco and Trader Joe's. I try to eat small meals throughout the day so I don't get ravenous. If I get ravenous I usually lose it. I increased my fat intake and that seemed to help a lot. It seems counterintuitive but when I eat more fat I consume fewer calories. My preferred sources of fat are…
  • You may want to try Kefir which is fermented milk. The fermentation process converts the lactose to lactic acid and the resulting drink is basically predigested. Some people who are lactose intolerant are able to consume kefir. If you decide to test it I recommend starting with small servings of unsweetened product. Some…
  • I am not an expert but I think the calorie burn for a given activity is not the same for everyone. You can assume that you are burning some calories with your exercise. I would suggest you start by cutting the projected exercise calories in half and see if you lose weight. If not, reduce the calorie assumption further. If…