

  • Definitely at least a new pair of jeans. I only have two pair - one for good and one for everyday - but both are tight. I refuse to buy a size up - so most times, since I am a stay at home mom - I am in pj bottoms with the elastics or capris. I don't get out much due to disabilities / no driving. so I don't really dress up…
    in Goals Comment by goofys_fan January 2013
  • Hello everyone! My name is Lora, a mom of 3 boys. I have started the 17 Day many times but have never seemed to get past a week at most on cycle 1. I know it is doable but always seem to fall in the jaws of depression and just stuff myself. I am 44 yrs old and tired of all the aches and pains of getting older - the last…
  • Hi everyone - I am starting today: SW: 228 C1GW 217 (5%) Good luck everyone!