

  • sheisbrown is right...real fruit is better, and most fruit juices add stuff you don't need, and leave out many of the good things that real fruit has. But if you don't have fruit, and want to drink juice, and you've got the calories to give, you can drink juice. OJ probably comes the closest to the real thing. It doesn't…
  • All other things being equal, it should not matter whether you exercise before or after you eat. If you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight; if you consume more than you burn, you gain weight. The order doesn't theory. But comparing exercise before and after eating, all things are probably not…
  • If you are eating good foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, I would ignore the sugar count. The guidance on MFP is generic, but cannot really account for the differences between "good" and "bad" sugars. I have to believe their guidelines assume the typical diet, which is loaded with added sugars. It's the added…
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