

  • Welcome. I too just found this site recently. I wish you the best in your new journey and I look forward to hearing about all of your weight loss!
  • THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! Congrats! That's almost 4 1/2 pounds a week. I would be stoked too! Keep it up. I look forward to hearing more about your success!
  • You need to be careful you aren't damaging your body with too much exercise and your body need a small amount of time to heal between exercising especially when strength training. Most of us don't get enough exercise so to hear someone things they are getting too much is actually music to my ears. :) If you think it's too…
    in too much Comment by Abby September 2007
  • I've heard frozen meals are ok in moderation. They are high in salt and if you aren't buying the ones that are low in fat & calories then it can stop your weight loss. I don't like them enough to eat them.
  • I weigh myself almost everyday. I weigh myself only in the morning and before I eat breakfast. If I don't get on the scale before I eat breakfast I skip weighing that day. Sometimes if I've workout really hard one day, I ate very healthy and I just know I lost weight I weigh at the end of day and if the scale says I'm the…
  • Hey Sunshine! I find that sometimes eating is the only way to bond with my Mother too. I know what you mean. I would love to chat sometime. We'll have to keep in touch.
  • That is FANTASTIC!!! Congrats!
  • That is fantastic!! Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you both so much! I'm in a good place to start this new journey and if I'm ever not in a good place my plan is to force it anyway. I'm already checking out the other areas and tools on this site and they are great!!
  • Hello to all! I am new here and looking forward to being apart of your community. My story isn't original. I let myself go. I put everyone and everything else before myself. I ate out too much and told myself I was too busy to exercise. As a result I gained way more then I ever thought I would. I have a very over weight…
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