

  • It took me a while to start losing. I guess it is trial and error. If one thing isn't working, don't give up, just try something else until it works. It took literally 5-6 months for me to get it right, but I didn't give up. You will do great!!!
  • I hear ya. I felt the same way. First, I realized that my weight was really bringing me down and then I realized that I DESERVE to make myself happy. Some major things I did to stop being so darn tired is drink lemon water (great health benefits including energy), LESS coffee (easily makes you dehydrated which in turn…
  • I have had two babies and I'm sick of the baby weight, so off it comes, no matter how hard my body tries to get me down:) Not giving up thats for sure. Good luck this is a great site!!!
  • I love avacodos, especially because the little fruit stand by my house sells them 10 small hass avacodos for $2. Anyway, I love them with salt, however I don't add the extra salt because I don't want to get bloated. Also, I wouldn't have anymore than like 3 little slices because they are good for you but VERY fattening.…
    in Avacodo Comment by AmyPfl June 2011
  • I read an article that said it would take like 3-5 days of eating less than 1200/day to start "starvation mode".
  • I have to agree, the munchies would make you take down a lot more calories / fat / and carbs than you need. Unless you immediately go to sleep afterwards to keep yourself from eating.
  • The way I have tried to beat getting discouraged is by NOT looking at those photos, de-tagging yourself, or asking your friends to take them off. Realizing that everyday is a new day, yesterday is history, and focusing on the main reason I am doing this which is a healthy, happier life everyday as a lifestyle, not just to…
  • The elliptical is my favorite. When I bumped up the resistance to between 8-10 I started losing more calories, faster. I like to read a book while I go. Takes me about 40 minutes to lose 400 calories. Wish I was one of those people who can do it for 1 hour + but I'm not, at least for now. I'm looking into purchasing one…
  • I was having the same problem and stopped putting extra salt where I would usually pile it on. Not to mention, I tried the Triple Leaf Tea Super Slimming Herbal Tea and let me tell you, if used properly is awesome for its natural cleansing effect. I feel so much lighter the next day and not in an unhealthy way. The way I…