kerridiculous Member


  • "WOW, you have a neck!" That's something that I literally heard recently that made me go, wtf??? Honestly one of the things I HATE about losing weight is that it increases my self consciousness when people comment on it, because I'm thinking, like, damn, what did you honestly think of me before??
  • 21 :D definitely add mee!
  • ISOPURE ZERO CARB! my doctor actually recommended it. it's my absolute favorite, 2 scoops is 210 cals and 50g of protein, 0 carbs. i usually break it up into 1 scoop or half a scoop. its a little over your calorie range but that's really good protein for those calories. you can get it at GNC or vitamin shoppe or something…
  • lol actually this site helped me a lot... because if i think about eating the entire world (which is something i want to do a lot) i start thinking about having to put it into my food diary. and then having to see that i went over my calorie goal by like however many, and knowing it's not worth it. if you wanna eat…