

  • Thanks... that did help. But I am not happy with the amount I am losing. Approx. 1lb per week since I joined and started tracking everything. I really find the whole system here motivating, but my weight loss has slowed down considerably, since I started really tracking and trying to stay under 1200. Today, I have mapped…
  • Hi there: I too, received that same message my first week. Luckily, one of my buddies on MFP gave me this peice of advice: "Always try to eat at least HALF of the calories you burn each day" I have to admit, that I rarely eat as much as half. I have lost only 2lbs in 2 weeks, so I am goingto really focus on what she told…
  • I'm not sure what the correct name of the excercise is, but I have a bench, which I place my left knee on, and with my right arm take the dumbell and let my arm hang to my right leg. I then bend the arm BACK, towards the ceiling in an upward motion, to work the flab under the bicep. Switch to your right knee onto the…
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