

  • kinda sad... I haven't been able to work out this week so far (since easter) because I have a massive sore throat. I sound like a life long smoker even tho I've never smoked and when i did the workout on Easter it made my throat feel like it was on FIRE and I couldn't breathe afterwards without hacking my lungs out. Now,…
  • I find I am very similar to you :) I am 5'11" and 199lbs. my goal is 175-180, just to be "healthy" on BMI, but I have been told by my doctor that I should be around 180. I don't want to necessarily be skinny, but healthier and fit. You look great!!!
  • so, I had to take a break Tuesday and Wednesday (my father in law was staying at our house and took over my work out area), but I just did my day two, and I can say that I don't feel nearly as sore or shaky as I was on day one. Interesting... :)
  • I was shaking afterward. I did it by myself and then my husband came out and wanted to do the Kettlebell workout with me. Needless to say I was beat up afterwards - in a good way :)
  • I'm in. I just got it. I was going to start today, but I am sore from Packing (we're in the process of moving). Awesomeness
  • I really just think it's due to the daily fluctuations your body has. That's why they say not to weigh yourself daily. I admit, I will weigh myself often, but the only one that counts for me is the one I do on Saturday morning. There are so many variables - time of day, whether you've eaten or not, water retention, etc.…
  • I started trying to lose weight last january (2010). I didn't start working out until March and stopped really working out around August (I, too, have no time). I've lost 64 lbs in a little over a year, so you definitely don't need to work out to lose weight. However, losing weight is easier when you work out. Exercising…
  • You can't survive for long on 1000 calories, and you're eating even less. I feel like either 1) you are eating more than you log or 2) you are miserable and always hungry. Try figuring out your BMR. What do you have it set as your weekly loss? In the beginning, you will lose weight pretty fast (I think I lost 20 lbs my…
  • You're small!!!
  • I am 5'11" (a giant for a girl!) and 198 lbs. I just bought my first pair of old navy size 14 (I say ON, because they run big) since High School. I wear Large shirts and size 9.5-10 shoes. I am very "large boned." Even at my smallest (Junior year of HS, 150) I looked larger b/c of my hips and ribs.
  • You look soooo good! Sometimes when we are losing weight, we see ourselves everyday so we don't see the changes. It's great to look at older pictures to compare. Great job!!