yasnil2 Member


  • Carl's Jr. Love a good lettuce wrapped $5 burger! If I'm in a location that has it, I love In N Out, too, protein style! I do a breakfast sammy occasionally from McD's but won't eat anything else from there. I'm doing a more keto oriented eating plan so I'll just get the egg and sausage with no bun. super yum.
  • Today sucked. Bad. All I want is frozen yogurt and a burger. I came home and made a salad instead. B/c what I'm trying to do is not eat based on my emotions. It's really hard work. But if you haven't read The Beck Diet Solution, I suggest you check it out. It teaches you really amazing tools on how to deal with all sorts…
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! One more follow up question since I'm hearing mostly the same thing, but want to be SURE.... So if my net is 400 that = bad b/c I've only eaten 400 calories that day? And if my net is 2000, then that's bad, too b/c I've eaten over my range. I'm looking for a positive net number that is close to my…