CarolynCairns Member


  • Also - perhaps a silly thing to say - eat slowly.
  • This is a really tricky one. It may be you've made too drastic a change to your diet and you're kind of in shock. I think if you're going to make a long term change to your relationship with food, it's good to start with a detox. You wouldn't unplug a blocked sink by just drip feeding in more water. You're unblock it…
  • Hey I did 3 days in a row of level 1 and then dropped off the DVD whilst I trained for a 10km. Feeling the need to get back onto it although am never going to do it every day as well as running 3x a week so will aim for weekends off any 2-3 sessions of the DVD per week. I'm sure it will still help me firm up. Look forward…
  • You guys have all done great. Would be great to get some friends on MFP for motivation. So far I'm working solo :( I'm 5' 10" and I've lost about 4lbs so far but ideally have another 14-20lbs to go. Would appreciate any Friend Requests (but haven't yet worked out how to make a FR myself!) Carolyn.