

  • You may not be consuming enough calories OR when this was happening to me, an MFP friend suggested that maybe I wasn't eating enough carbs and fat, and as it turned out, I was way below the recommended percentages. Since I have tried to achieve a better calorie balance I've felt better.
  • My husband is a tall guy (6'4") and like your husband, has a pretty hard labor job in an aspect of the construction industry, so he also comes home tired and unmotivated to do much. My husband isn't really overweight (although since he's gotten off some medication and trying to quit smoking, his middle is a bit less…
  • I weigh myself every day. I have to, otherwise, my weight gets away from me VERY quickly. When I get on the scale and see that I've gained two pounds, sure it feels a bit discouraging, especially if I feel like I did everything "right". But it also motivates me to figure out what isn't working and to change it, and have a…
  • I'm not that young, but I am in Seattle. Add me if you'd like : )
  • Heh, no problem. That would be the only problem I could see with eating a whole bag of corn, is whether or not you are getting any energy out of, and I thought corn had a lot of sugar... Good luck! P.S. I can also really relate to what you said about being hungry in the evening - I'm always starving at 4 pm NO MATTER WHAT…
  • I think calories are calories, and especially if they are healthy calories, the volume of the food itself shouldn't affect your weight loss. In fact, I have heard info saying that part of the reason it is so easy for us to gain weight now is that we aren't hunter/gatherers anymore, who constantly had to eat, and had to eat…
  • If you have been doing all of those things all along, but now you want to lose weight/get into better shape, I would say that those things DO NOT count, because you've already been doing them. I would only count additional exercise. So I didn't use to walk to work on a regular basis, but am trying to do it more as a way to…
  • I have one too and while I wouldn't say I LOVE IT (I hate exercise) I think anything that can help you to GET exercise is great. Mine helps because it is in my house, so I don't have the hindrance of having to travel to it (like I did when I was going to the gym) and I can watch Netflix on my computer on it, since it is at…
  • After you've done that boot camp a few more times, laugh with him then give him "playful"punch in the arm : D see who is laughing then! But no, seriously, see if you can get him to do it WITH you. Just once. The tables will turn!
    in VENT! Comment by littlewords June 2011
  • While that would totally make me laugh too, how totally awesome! Good for you : )
  • Good question! I love pico de gallo, and usually put it in tacos (which I feel like are high in calories even carefully homemade) and eat a ton of it on corn chips, which I also need to stop eating. I'd love to hear other people's suggestions, but this weekend, I sauteed up some cut up (into bite sized pieces) boneless,…
  • I also find that because I am not technically "overweight", but simply at the top of my weight range, people scoff at the notion that I might feel uncomfortable, and when trying to have a productive discussion about eating better and exercising, I am often seen as "anti-fat" or a "fat hater" because I would like to make…
  • 5'1/2''. Yes, that 1/2" totally counts! Married to a 6'4" man : ) Weight is a really big deal on us "less tall" ladies. People are like "Oh you ONLY weigh 130? What's YOUR problem?" I think that's probably like someone of average height weighing more like 170.