

  • In addition to the fact that you will be hungry if you are exercising and not eating back SOME of the calories anyway, it also takes a while to adjust to eating less. Also, I didn't look at WHAT you are eating before I replied, but I recently changed up the way I eat, and I feel so much better now because I make sure I eat…
  • Nope. If you're not a morning person, you're not. That's why I switched from 5am to more like 8am. No, that doesn't always work out either, but it works out WAY more often than 5am did, once I was off the initially "gung ho" kick of going to the gym so early. I know what you mean about not wanting to waste your evenings,…
  • As you lose weight, you can reset your goals in MFP and it will help you adjust your calories. After you have lost a significant amount, 1.5 lbs per week, might be too much, but the amount of calories you need to simply function will also change. so just remember to re-do your goals in the settings every now and then.
  • If you're using the FitBit, you're probably in good shape then - I don't have one, but I hear they are the closest to accurate as you can get. If you really burn that many exercise calories in any one day I am in complete and utter awe of you, and would love to know how you fit it into your schedule! :D I'm sure everyone's…
  • Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure you are burning that many calories? 500 a day is a lot, I have a hard time achieving that in 90 minutes per day. I saw one day showed over 700 - that would easily be 90 minutes of high intensity, which is a lot. I've found that MFP overestimates your calories burned quite a…
  • You can also do a modified version of downward facing dog - I believe it is called dolphin? - in which you place your forearms on the floor, rather than using your hands. I found that this helped me somewhat when I was having a hard time with hand/wrist soreness.
  • Breathless575 - I am somewhat similar to you - a little shorter, but in a similar weight bracket, and I've always struggled with being hungry on 1200 calories a day. I also had no idea how to figure out how much protein/fat/etc to eat. I recently came across this: And while…
  • I checked out your diary and for the most part it looks pretty good, although for myself, I've really had to cut out all the ice cream, cookies, chips, etc. in favor of being able to eat "more", or in other words, more valuable foods that keep you satisfied longer. A lot of people say that these are "trigger foods" also -…
  • It's true, you will adjust somewhat, but also true that you're going to be hungry sometimes. Definitely eat lots of protein and some healthy fat - it makes you feel the most satisfied and keeps you that way longest. Cottage cheese, yogurt, lean chicken and beef, fruit and lots of vegetables - I eat any kind of fruit I can…
  • Don't try to cut out all the foods you love (JUNK!) all at once, it will just drive you insane. I used to eat chips and salsa or bread and dip or cheese and crackers EVERY DAY. AS much as I felt like eating. I didn't just try one way to stop. Some days I still had the delicious snack that I wanted, but I made sure to only…
  • I feel your pain. I see spelling errors in job postings all the time. It makes me want to cry.
  • Almost all vegetables can be prepared many ways - steamed, sauteed, roasted. It's all about your preference. You can also grill them, if you have a grill (bbq).
  • Congratulations to everybody. Everyone who didn't gain, or who even lost some weight are impressive and have great self control and are obviously committed! Those of you who DID gain didn't gain too much, and hey! At least you are still paying attention! The fact that you are still getting on the scale and being aware of…
  • I didn't gain any. In fact, between the beginning of November and Christmas, I lost a little over 2 pounds. I celebrated Thanksgiving twice, and ate Thanksgiving leftovers for a week after. I haven't been working out, either - my elliptical stopped working in that time period. What I HAVE done is exercise self control.…
  • I just wanted to be/look/feel how I used to. So for me. But also for my husband. Not that he asked, but just because. And admittedly, to be just as thin or thinner than other people I know, for various reasons. It may be a little lame, but...
  • You guys share phones? She knew you'd see the texts. Maybe she does still want him. Or maybe she is really hurt that you went to a "gentlemen's club". I know I would be. And unfortunately, when you guys do stuff like that, we feel helpless, we get angry, and yes, sometimes we do hurtful, hateful things. Maybe she felt ill,…
  • I hate cleaning, but remind myself that I feel better (and so does everyone else!) when things are at least tidy. Don't worry too much about the crumbs behind the toaster, just get the dishes washed, and make sure your counters are clear. I hate doing it, but I JUST DO IT. Period. It's like going to work each day - who…
  • It's hard to get used to less calories initially, but you DO. Making good choices really helps. Look for low/no calorie foods that are filling - I love asparagus, it's filling and low in calories. Cucumbers, even pickles if you are okay with the sodium. I've spent a lot of time figuring out what kind of bread is 100…
  • You can add me too, if you'd like. I'm 5"1' and started at 145. Down to the 115-119 range now! I know how hard it is when you're small.
  • I have the same problem. At 4pm every day, like clockwork, no matter where I am, what I am doing, or what I have eaten or when or how much already that day - I always get super hungry right then. With that in mind, I keep my breakfast and lunch calories low, so that I can "afford" a healthy snack. I also try to eat dinner…
  • 2% provolone - 60 calories per slice Snack Factory Pretzel crisps - 10 calories per crisp, 10 crisps is enough! Chive flavored cottage cheese - 100 calories per 1/2 cup Artificial crab - 80 calories per 1/2 cup, eat it straight out of the package Those are some of my current favorites.
  • I totally do this. My dinner for today (because I cook all the meals, I know what it is going to be!) is already recorded, even though I haven't started cooking. This actually makes it way easier, as I now know if I can have a cocktail (yes) or dessert later, etc. I almost always add my lunch the night before when I make…
  • I am only 5'1" and as soon as I got down to about 125 (from 140-145) I stopped feeling FAT. Now, at 120, sometimes my stomach still doesn't feel firm enough, and my thighs and butt will probably always feel too big, but I no longer feel FAT. I don't look in the mirror and feel disappointed by what I see. I look in the…
  • I've lost about 25 pounds altogether (only 12 since joining MFP) and I certainly do not abstain, although I have discovered that as far as calories go, wine is not the best choice. Still, it tastes good. I think as long as you are making good food choices (rather than just meeting your calorie goals) having an occasional…
  • Why don't you ask your supervisor what the recommended attire would be? If they are asking you to not wear something, they should be able to tell you what WOULD be acceptable.
  • Salsa! Pico de gallo has hardly any calories! It's all in the chips! I do love fruit! Asparagus! Dave's Killer Breads - way fewer calories than most breads, especially, the "light" breads, which do simply appear to be smaller loaves/slices.
  • I felt like I'd never be able to do it either, but I've lost 8 pounds in the last two months, and almost 20 pounds overall. Have a little faith in yourself! Determination will get you everywhere : )
  • Congrats! I love my Lucky jeans. I'm wearing a pair of size 6s today, that a re now a skootch too big : )
  • I weigh myself everyday, knowing perfectly well that is very easy to "gain" a pound or two in a day (and that it could be water weight, etc). All that does for me is strengthen my resolve to pay attention and do better today and tomorrow and the next day. In fact, during this week, I gained a pound or so, and then another,…
  • I feel like most people lose the weight they want, and then stop doing what they did to lose it. Most people STOP counting calories, STOP exercising and STOP weighing themselves. That's what has happened to me in the past, but it will not happen this time. No way am I letting successfully losing 15+ pounds thru my fingers,…