

  • :tongue: Rach, I'm hittin' Core Syn tonight! Is that a workout of what??? Superman, banana, superman, banana....
  • Chubbybunny, That is the good thing about P90X. There are band exercises for everything. I don't even do the pullups even though I have a pullup bar. I use the band versions and they work just as good. Don't worry! Tony Horton and his crew WILL take care of you. DC
  • ChubbyBunny, This is SOOOOO not the case with P90X. I started P90X on June 23, 2008 at 245 lbs. In eight weeks, I have seen a 30 lb weight loss and am now down to 215lbs. If you follow the program and nutritional guide (and I stress this), you WILL see the fat fall right off. DC
  • Mike, From reading your background, you are definitely capable of handling P90X. It is tough for anyone who does it but you will see marked improvement in each workout. I'm doing it now and LOVE IT. You can handle the X as long as you are serious about BRINGING IT! DC
  • Jessmom, How long had you had the set? I got P90X and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, but my Legs & Back DVD will not work in my player and the Chest, Triceps & Shoulders DVD is scratched. I have had them since June but didn't really think they would do anything about it. Do you think they still would? Just curious. DC
  • Rach, I'm doing P90X as well. I'm in Week 2 of Phase 2 (1st round). How are you doing with it? There is a great message thread on TeamBeachBody if you are interested. We started a Thread Challenge last week to help push as all to BRING IT that much further. If you are interested, here is the link:…