

  • I totally hear you! I love carbs. Not necessarily potatoes, but bread, pasta and of course SWEETS! It is hard to eat things that you don't like, but sometimes you start eating it and actually start to like them. Like, I used to hate broccoli, ug, just the thoughts of it and I would make a face. Then I had some at a…
  • How is everyone doing this week? Yesterday was tough for me. I kind of lost my way on my eating. My youngest wanted to make some cakes in his Easy Bake Oven and I succommed. Then once I had had a taste of chocolate I just wanted more! I am hoping to do better today. Finished my workout and walked the dog this morning. Glad…
  • Hey There! I joined on Monday as well. Well I guess I should correct that. I had joined a couple years ago, but actually didn't use it and forgot about it. I am wanting to lose about 30 pounds. I am doing Turbo Jam that I got through I also am walking (the dog and/or using Leslie Sansone's videos) and I am…