Weekends are the worst! My husband and I are both trying to lose weight, but when we're together and having fun we eat. And we eat very calorie dense foods. I think one problem may be that we connect yummy foods with happiness. On the weekends we are free from our work responsibilities and we only have those two days to…
Helenabc, I liked your post. We should be kind to ourselves. Especially when we eat emotionally. Of course that's much easier to say than to do. I've been binging for years now. I lost 50 pounds a couple years ago and now I've gained 60 back! I don't want to binge and I still do. Sometimes it's just little binges, like 2…
My wedding and engagement ring. I got married 7 months ago and I haven't been able to wear them since our honeymoon. I gained weight that fast. I was so relieved that I had pulled off my dream wedding that I just started eating anything I wanted.