

  • I was diagnosed with diabetes a year ago. My A1C was over 13! I was put on Janumet. I took it faithfully for three months, went for a check-up and was a 6. However, I thought the side effects were going to kill me. I decided I was not going to be controlled by a pill and drastically changed my diet. So far so good! I also…
  • I was diognosed as diabetic in January this year. I agree with so many people-it sucks. My wife has done MFP for some time. I never had the patience. After taking myself off medication (it was making me so ill) I decided I would control my diet. My recent A1C came back 6.5 down from a 13 in January! I have to admit thet…
  • I added some steamed broccoli on the side and totalled about 430 calories for the meal. Full and sllepy now.
  • 2 words for me- chocolate cheesecake A well wishing customer brought the most beatiful chocolate cheesecake to my work. It haunted me all day until I finally gave in and had 800 calories and 57 grams of fat! It made me feel sick when I logged it tonight!