My precious Weimaraner, Jackson!
OK, that pic on your profile is too cute!
yeah baby!
wait, I thought I was the Queen of Mississippi! You be Queen and I'll be Mississippi Diva! :wink:
Ray Charles - 2006. He never stopped moving. Lenny Kravitz - 2012. Small venue, very close. He is a total rock star.
Flabby arms=backjiggle (courtesy of my nephew) Upper thigh area=haunches Then there's just simply the GUT! ugh
Me too! I guess I'm less than one
I got my, weim, Jackson at the local rescue. He is SO PRECIOUS!
But when she does spend an hour attempting to look beautiful, acknowledge that...tell her she looks "exceptionally" beautiful, and you appreciate her.
Grab her and kiss her (really kiss her) for no reason, tell her you love her, and then resume whatever you were doing. It will catch her off guard, and make her feel desirable, sexy and beautiful.
I'll never look at a basketball the same again! LOL Great jobl!
Met my now ex-husband on I don't think the problems that caused the divorce were due to online meeting. I think were due to him trying to be what I wanted instead of who he was. But I think that can happen no matter where you meet. As others have said, just be careful and be sure to have an 'out' of some kind.
Don't run and hide. It's information like this that helps us all understand one another better. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks on the is hard to find a man my age who has all the qualities I'm looking for. Like you, I don't feel the need for someone, but would like someone. Better no one than the wrong one, though. I've done that, too!!
We may run into each other now and then, but not a 'regular' seeing each other. I wished him luck and left it at that...hopefully that was good!
Thanks for the honesty! :laugh:
I honestly have a new respect for the guys - it's hard! How do they do it ALL the time?!?
An MFP friend of mine here (keeponkickin) recently put on some hi-protein smoothie recipes with cottage cheese. I've made several and they are good. I don't have the recipes with me, but I think she put them on the recipe board. Cottage cheese, milk, protein powder, and pudding mix. YUMMY
LOL I was the jump rope champion of my girl scout troop! I also am a formally trained singer. I like to separate my food and eat anything that is smaller/broken first - kind of a "saving the best for last" thing I guess......
same here. love Josh...
Girl, I love me some Vin, too! I just got a Blu-Ray for Christmas and the new Blu-Ray discs I have are his movies - except on with Matthew mcconaughey. I think I love him best in XXX...when he gets up and just has on the long john pants and then puts on that furry coat...I pause it and watch it slowly!!!! :wink:
Exactly what I was going to say!
I saw someone mentioned FiberOne bars. I have to eat mine at night because they give me HORRIBLE gas. There's no way I could be in the workplace after having one of those things...In the words of Eddie from Barbershop 2 "It's so bad, I have to put myself outside." It does help me with #2 though...
I'd like a good boyfriend. However, I'll be doing homework on capitalism. Happy Heart Day!
Thanks everybody! Y'all are sweet!
You already know how awesome I think you are, but I just had an idea for you to inspire others at the gym. Maybe you could have a t-shirt made with your "before" picture on it with "BEFORE" above it, and then an "AFTER" pic, too. It would be conversation starter for some, but it may just be a great silent motivator for…
Febreze is our friend here. It's really does cut the stench and leaves a more pleasant odor.
I have 2: When I was a teenager, I worked in a drug store with my Mom and Stepdad. Everyone now and then, a customer would have to use the toilet, which was in the office area. One elderly lady came in and asked in a very rushed tone if she could use the toilet, that it was an emergency, so the pharmacist let her go back.…