

  • I ate a lot of raw fish and there is raw protein powder you can buy. Also, fruits and vegetables, nuts and avocados provide adequate amounts of protein. There are other great sources too.
  • While it does help to avoid poor eating habits, I see a raw food diet optimal in opposition to the KETO diet I was on, and the SAD. It just makes more sense to eat fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds. It can also help those who are paleo become better at paleo because there are no hidden ingredients in raw food.…
  • Me too! And I'll add you. I need more support
  • You sound like me. Haha. I lost 45lbs through strict diet and intense cardio with moderate body sculpting with weights... I just recently started CrossFit, and I have gained 3 -4lbs in a month since starting. What I am doing, to rid my glycogen stores and keep lean muscle is a ketogenic diet. This depletes your glycogen…
  • I did it last month and made it up to the end of the week 4, and never finished :( I think i am going to start it up again and follow the days from the beginning- so i will start on Monday. Add me if you want to do this together!