

  • Definitely stuck in a rut, and having a hard time pushing past it... SW: 143-145 (I fluctuate a lot) GW: 125 1/14: 145 1/28: 148 2/11: 150 2/25: 148 3/11: 3/25:
  • Celulite. I was chubby all through school, but ate healthily and danced 5 days a week. Needless to say, even if I was heavy I had muscle tone. At the end of high school I went from a size 14(155lbs) to a size 10, then I got to university and dropped to a size 6 (140lbs). I really fine tuned eating good foods, and cut out…
  • I hate the taste of coffee, too, but have recently been trying to choke down a cup mid-morning to help sustain me until lunch. I go to the gym in the mornings (around 6 or 7) and am at work by 7 or 8, so when I have breakfast there is a BIG gap until lunch. I find that if I can drink a cup of coffee around 9:30/10 it helps…
  • I'm the worst with willpower, but this could be a great opportunity to practice portion control. If your sweetie brings home something sweet make a point to fill up on salad during dinner and allow yourself a couple bites to finish off the evening. Then when you say "I'm too stuffed to have more" the other person will…
  • Hi, hitting the "reset" button seems to be a theme! I'm 25 and struggling hard right now. I'm at my highest weight since high school (I was a chubber back then) and have no idea how it happened. I don't eat or drink any junk foods or sweets. I honestly love vegetables and often times eat an entire eggplant as my dinner. I…
  • Thank you very much for your reply! As it stands I drink a good amount of water, but it could definitely be increased, and I do noticed that when I drink a lot I tend to be less hungry. I'll make sure to up this even more (starting right now)! I do have a hard time with tracking. Where I make a lot of food from scratch it…
  • I'm a bit discouraged and can't figure out how to get back on track. Any advise would be amazing. I don't eat/drink: juice / soda / anything that isn't water or non-soium seltzer water (except I do drink alcohol a couple times a week) candy / cake / cookies / chips / junk or snack food highly processed foods bread I eat…
  • Hi everyone. I am feeling pretty discouraged lately and was looking for a group to join to help motivate me. I hope you don't mind if I come in a little late! If you look at the below, you'll see pretty quickly why I'm a little down on myself right now, especially since I've been doing the gym more regularly and decreasing…