

  • @AricAngel - I actually find dark chocolate too bitter for me. My real weakness is Hershey's! Im an American living in the UK so when I see it.....I want to buy it! I dont get it very often so I tend to pig out. @EmilySG2011 - 4lbs in 3 days is wonderful! Congrats! Hovering between different weights, I have been told, is…
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • In a perfect world, chocolate wouldnt have any calories and it would be good for you......
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • I find that I do much a lot during the day, especially when Im at work! I tend to get bored and therefore want to eat. It doesnt help that right now there is a big box of cholocates sitting behind me......
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • I think the visual helps alot! Ive put in what I have eaten today and alreayd I dont have that many left for dinner hehe!
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • Hi Sady_uk, welcome to MFP! Im also a mum trying to get rid of post pregnancy weight...your not alone! :)
  • Same here! I find its such a battle with your body and mind that its probably one battle you cant fight alone and win. Its definitely one you fight with others :)
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • Us moms will have to stick together and support each other :)
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011
  • Hi Savadleysmom and Brenna4! Im the same as you Savandleysmom, its been nearly 2 years and I still have a bit of tummy, I have no idea where my hips went and still have weight on my upper thighs! Is it me or do you seem to gain weight easier after having a baby as well? If your naughty for one day, you see it the next…
    in Hi, Im new Comment by akki2011 June 2011