ncwall Member


  • Feel free to add me if you wish
  • Have fun storming the castle think they stand a chance? They need a miracle I did not hesitate opening this Feel free if anyone wishes to add me and thank you for the smile
  • Okay so I have to ask the ladies their opinion now on this, me i dont mind the strech marks on my wife i agree with the post about the tiger and earning stripes what about stretch marks on guys? not sure if they fade or are gone when i iwll lose my weight but now i am curious
  • unsure if people missed this or people just are not intersted in the topic. I was wondering is this the same as the clean eating I hear people talking about on here? any info or help understanding this would be great and if the research effort of trying to go gmo free is worth it
  • a chipotle bowl is about 850 calories ( if you like it) I would definatly maybe take some drinks with you if you have protein powder pack some of that maybe? Wish you the best of luck with that I know i cant do that kinda work out right now hope to one day though
  • i have issues with boredom eating and also with late night eating due to getting off work at 1130 pm. sugar free pudding and almonds is one snack a friend recommended also casein protein is something another friend recommended but i have not tried it yet i used to go to dairy queen every night after work or taco bell. Now…
  • The way i look at it , small changes for big results keep smiling and stay honest we all go up and down enjoy what you do and you will do great Feel free to add me if you like
    in day 1 Comment by ncwall July 2012
  • First off, please thank heather for showing you mfp. Second Thank you for sharing the story and being truly wonderful. I hope to follow the rest of your story and see the rest of the amazing transformation of the amazing person that you are on the insde be shining on the outside for the rest of the world to see thank you…
  • Welcome to your new extended family, I ahve been reading and learning blaminging and judging are both pointless but taking action is something we can do.. I wish you the best on your journey and feel free to add me happy to have more friends and support more people
  • i work 245 to 1115, so i have been working on going around 12 30 every day and working out before work
  • Please keep us posted/ add me as a friend that was one of my questions is what to do when i get to goal to maintain ( long journey still) but lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks so happy so far and congrats again
  • I have 2 85 druids one horde and one alliance I miss walking in and people fearing for their life thinking a druid cant tank ( i am a vanilla player). I miss so much my druid and my tanking but I will stay strong and stay away from the mmo's atleast for now. Tank for life though :P
    in Wow Comment by ncwall July 2012
  • Feel free to add me if you wish
  • from my understanding of this its 3500 c to burn 1lb mine is statting that if i eat 2440 with setadary activiity ( i have a desk job) i would burn 1 calorie a week due to having a 480 deficientcy so if my net is under 2440 a day with food intake and with excercise I should by the end of the week lose 1 lb I think the net…
  • I have been eating 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites on an english muffin for breakfast i have been giving the extra 2 yolk to my dog.
  • first off I want to say congradulations on the great and inspiring loss. I am by far no means an expert but it may also be that you are getting water weight and or building muscle sinc emuscle does weight more then fat. another thing is when you set up your goals set your life style to your normal routine without your…
  • I am nick, 28, male. I played mmo since 2002 and been gaming forever since the nes was a new system. I have played many rpgs and have been introduced to rp Love earth dawn and savage worlds. I played anarchy online until wow came out played wow for about 5 years and then tried tor. Played all 3 mass effects and slwoly…
  • something that helped kick start me was i bought a treadmill at a yardsale and i put it in my living room and got rid of my couch so my options were watch tv and walk or be uncomfortable on the floor somehting my wife has to do is she needs to excercise before she turns on the tv or the computer and makes it her reward we…
  • To all the ladies Yes, great smiles and Loving the positive attitudes and compliments To the guys, my future goal is to be toned like you Great job to everyone on the hard work and the support
  • 28 here always open for more support and advice sharing all welcome to add
  • Thanks for the idea I will look into making this, I forgot about Chinese food that definitively can be a weakness for me to I also agree with kmshred about the almonds being boring, but a friend recommended sugar free pudding and put the almonds in gives me a sweet taste protein to fill up and none of the sugar :)
  • 1) icecream 2)pizza 3) cant think of a third sugar free yogurt with almonds has been a great substitue for my sweet tooth, and so has iso pure dutch choclate protein
  • Support from your family is huge. My wife was not supporting me in the changes I was working to make for the betterment of our family and for our 6 month old daughter. Just recently we both joined the gym and she started using mfp and was shocked by what she was actually putting in her body. Its small changes and small…
    in Defeated Comment by ncwall July 2012
  • i have not had the same problem but I know there is so much to learn and just doing the best i can each day. The bar code scanner is a life saver and try to use it on eveyrthing I can 135 calroies per 3.5 cups per mfp This is a good alternative that I have found for popcorn. Hope it helps
  • here are 3 articles i found about sugar. Yes you will want to limit your sugar intake and some of it may just be…
  • 3 sites that i have found that I like what is said is both living strong and body building and I know when it comes to eating heatlhy working out I am green, however, I also realize we are each different and what one likes and works for them may not be what another needs. all infomration is objective by…
  • I have no clue what so ever to be honest. I like talking to people who have done research but then again they have already formed their opinions and things they do work for them are not alwasy accurate for me. I have issues researching online due to being very cynical I believe very little about what I can find as someone…