Corby86 Member


  • If your eating a healthy diet you should be OK and not need a multi. . .maybe try a B-complex for energy. . .also go for the better quality - the extra few dollars are worth it
  • It also has less sugar and fat because there is more cocao (which is actually a really good anti-oxidant)
  • I have switched to having dark chocolate as a treat from time to time, I usually try to have a 70% cocao chocolate bar (we have a nice organic range here in NZ). . . . The 70% cocao choc is REALLY strong and will obliterate any chocolate cravings within 3-4 squares
  • Yeah tell me about it! Artificial sweeteners are really unsafe as well in my opinion. Try a Stevia type alternative which is a naturally sweet herb. . .this should be easily accesible nowadays
  • If it's affordable to you I would see a naturopath or nutritionist. . .sweet cravings can indicate certain deficiencies. One that springs to mind for me is tryptophan (an essential amino acid). .. .you could try to supplement with 5HTP which will help your mood & sleep as well as the carbohydrate (sweet) cravings. A herb…
  • You could try chewing gum, although studies have shown that artificial sweetener will make you crave more carbohydrates. . .artificial sweetener causes your leptin (a chemical signal made by fat cells to tell your brain to stop eating) sensitivity to decrease.
  • Go you for exercising that much!! You might have noticed that if you are more than 100 calories under your daily goal, My Fitness Pal will tell you that you haven't had enough calories. . .and you will be putting yourself into starvation mode. What I've noticed is that when I've exercised and I don't eat the exercise…
  • WOW well done Shona! I agree with halina20 that you should watch your sodium. . .and yes you may just be bloated, try eating some whole-foods (foods that have not been de-natured through lots of processing) and you should see some change. Exercises such as yoga, qi gong and tai chi are really great for getting things…
  • Hello LeLoveHandles, Well done for staying so active!! You are definately on the right track. Should you eat before you exercise in the morning? The short answer is YES, your body will require fuel to perform the exercise. You should have breakfast if possible. If it's not possible then have your breakfast very soon after…
  • Good on you for taking the first step. What you must realize is that being over-weight is NOT natural, we are NOT designed to be overweight. . .nobody is. Your body wants to be slim, you just need to allow yourself to be. Only eat when you are hungry (this is a burning sensation in your stomach) Only eat until you stop…
  • WOW!! Well done you! I would recommend that you reward yourself with a nice bath, put about a cup of epsom salts in your bath. . . .(epsom salts is a form of magnesium) and magnesium is absorbed really well transdermally and will help your muscles to recover. Also make sure that you are getting in enough protein, with such…