TCB2day Member


  • Congratulations!! Isn't is a wonderful feeling when the light bulb FINALLY clicks on. Best wishes as your journey to good health and weight loss continues!
  • Incredible!! You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing your success; this helps keep me motivated! Best wishes on your journey!
  • I would love to join this challenge. Although I set up my MFP account in 2011, I'm just starting..... AGAIN...... on March 11, 2013. This challenge is just would I need to keep me focused on the end goal. SW 243 CW 238 UGW 150
  • Congratulations!! Great Job! Thanks for sharing your success story. It inspires me to continue the journey. Best wishes and continued success!
  • Please add me! I'm just getting started - AGAIN- and can use all the support and motivation that's available from the group!!
  • Love it! Thanks for sharing. LOL!
  • First - CONGRATULATIONS on choosing a healthy lifestyle! Second - Kudos for reaching out for help. This is one of the biggest benefits of MFP. We're here for you! Do not lose sight of your goal. Celebrate your accomplishments! Will you be returning to unversity soon? If so, keep in mind that your current situation is…
  • I'm a HUGH emotional eater, so I feel your pain. It's almost impossible to fight the urge, but using MFP and working with a nutritionist, I've found a few strategies. First - I keep NO junk food in the house - TOO tempting. Then I try to find time for solitude and really think about what's bothering me; is there anything I…
  • Congratuations! Great job! Never forget how great this victory feels and use it to stay motivated to reach your goal. P.S. NSV stands for non-scale victory.
  • Thank for sharing! I'm adding your receipe to my collection and look forward to enjoying pizza without the guilt!
  • Congratulations! And thanks for sharing; it helps to inspire me to keep working towards my goal.
  • I absolutely love it! You can get a good workout in as little as 20 minutes which makes it easy for me to fit into my day. The graphics are bad, but I have a lot of fun laughing at myself as I try to do the steps. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I promise it does get better! I especially hated the middle-of-the-night trips. Your body will adjust. Drinking water helps rev up your metabolism and it helps give you beautiful, glowing skin. So drink up! :drinker: Just take it one day at a time! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi and welcome! I added you and look forward to support each other to our goals!! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Congratulations! Great job and best wishes for continued success!! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hi and welcome! I'm fairly new to the site, too. I'm also a yo-yo dieter, but I'm determined to do it RIGHT this time. You will find plenty of support on this site and the tools make it so easy to track calories. I wish you the best of luck and success as you start your new journey!
    in New Here! Comment by TCB2day August 2011
  • Thank you both for asking and answering! I've searched and searched trying to find out what the heck is NSV! :flowerforyou:
  • Good morning and happy Monday to all! My goals this week are: Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes for 6 days. Post more often. I'm stil new at this and a little shy. Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water each day. Log food every day to help stay within calories. Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone!
  • Thank you so much for this post! It's so important to acknowledge and celebrate our accomplishments - big and small! This week I lost 2 pounds. I stayed within calories. I exercised as planned. I met my dear friend for dinner last night and stayed within calories. I researched the restaurant menu ahead of time and…
  • Hi, I use the wii board and also have a balance scale (type used in doctor's office). The wii board usually matches the scale. I haven't found any discrepancies. I also use the wii board on carpet without any problems. I like the charts the wii provides to show my progress. I hope this helps and good luck in the weight…