buxomlisa Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm newly diagnosed although they said I was borderline so couldn't officially diagnose me. I have some of the symptoms but not all of them. I've lost 40 lbs in about 10 months with clean eating, moderate calories and lots of weight lifting. hardly any cardio at all. I've been stuck for almost 4 months now.…
  • Hi! I'm Lisa from Canada. I'm starting out at 5'1 and 267 pounds. If anyone wants to add me feel free to do so. I added some of you but there are alot of pages on this post! Lol
  • I Iove balsamic vinegar! I roast potatoes and veggies with it and a little olive oil and herbs. Also it Is to die for on chicken. I mix it with some chicken stock and slowly cook it on the stove with the chicken. It's a recipe on allrecipes.com It's great to cook mushrooms in too.
  • Glucosamine helps build up your cartilage around your joints. It's great for those with arthritis. It may take awhile before seeing results. Prenatal vitamins are some if the best vitamins out there a woman can take even if your not pregnant! Lol Question for those taking biotin. How much are you taking and how long to see…
  • New Brunswick here!! I had this app on my phone for awhile. Just realized its an actual website with message boards! Lol. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support can get!