

  • Bless your boy, what a remarkable son you have for standing up to the horrible bully who called you fat, whilst it is wrong, I can see the good in what he did and it would be easy to punish him but he was standing up for someone he loves and something he believes in and that isnt common in this day and age. I think he…
  • Hey, welcome to MFP, its kinda hard to explain, you are probably best to start with your profile and goals, all the controls are at the top and then everyday log your exercise and food intake trying to stay within your goal. Most exercises are listed and foods too, if not as long as you know the nutritional info you can…
  • Nooo 700 cals isnt enough, stick at it and you will get there. 1lb a week isnt bad at all, some weeks you may lose more and some you may lose less, its a loss and thats what counts hunni. Try not to fret and just keep doing what your doing...my scales havent moved at all. Emma
  • Hi...I totally recommend bio oil, it has worked for me on stretch marks from pregnancy 8 years ago...they havent totally gone but they may as well. I got mine online as it is cheaper than the shops here in the UK, not sure what its like where you are but I would deffo get some, I love it, I use it on my face now as its…
  • Hey there, I to have a load of weight to shift, I am doing it in 2 stages so it doesnt look so overwhelming when I look at the ticker. this site is great, just stick at it...it takes a month for your body to take on a new habit, so soon itll be second nature...good luck!!
  • Hi Rosie...WELL DONE youve done fantastic...dont give up now!! I am in the UK too (Scotland) and also new to the site, it seems to be good so fingers crossed. Keep going. Emma