chocmad Member


  • Thank u neandermagnon I guess u are correct in essence it is one and the same therefore how beneficial can it actually be. I have never heard of it myself until I came across it just now. Seemed a bit gimmicky and wondered what others thought. Appreciate ur genuine response :-) that's what I like about mfp - supportive…
  • Beattie1 thanku for reporting it as an ad lol I was only asking a question people wanted more info so rather than type forever I posted a link. But thank u as it has highlighted something very important to me. I do not post much on here so didn't know what the rules were but thanks for letting me know :-) thank u also for…
  • Start with be aural colours the naked palettes are awesome for this then build ur looks.. Experiment with your eye shape...brushes are key..I love the real techniques ones and they also do videos to see how to use the brushes. Let me know how u get a long :-)
  • I am absolutely pleased for all of u it's so awesome you have all done so fab!!! I am just beginning my journey I hope I get to be awesome as you guys!!! U should be proud :-) if you would like to be friends with me and share my journey I would be thrilled :-) x