mullallypatrickj Member


  • Its kind of the same as coffee, (black) its really low cal, but the caffeene will help you matabolize food. I used to add creme and sugar to my coffee because I didnt like the taste, but its kinda like beer, get to the bottom of the first cup and the taste isnt really a shock anymore.
  • great article, thanks for the read
  • I do count my calories, and my carbs are not really that hight. I picked up the weight originally because I was not active and eating whatever I wanted. This site has shown me what different foods do to your diet and what to kick to the curb. I drink at home, and the bar scene is completely over for me, so I dont have any…
  • Basically, I am asking if beer has a negative effect (like making the body hold water ) to having a few beers a night, which would not let me lose the little bit of weight that I am looking to lose.