Thanks from me, also. I'm in that over 40 crowd and it has been a long road to be able to lose the weight I have.
Funny you grew up with horses, I have one now. I couldn't lift a bale of hay if you paid me. But I'm working on it! To lose weight I stopped eating fast food, junk food, learned portion control. Started buying more fresh fruits and vegetables. Didn't go on a diet plan or follow a weight group, just got smarter about eating.
Thank you, but my goodness, it is you who should be congratulated. Your weight loss is amazing.
Hi. I quit four years ago on St. Patrick's Day. Like others have said, I hate the smell of smoke left on clothes, can't stand to get the smell of it in my hair. I had quit when I was pregnant, but this time I just have not had the desire to smoke, not even when socially drinking. Good luck, be strong. Will power...mind…