Are you perhaps consuming too many simple, rather than complex carbohydrates? Those will really slow down or stop weight loss.
Hi there. After 30+ years of being overweight. I was diagnosed with multiple food allergies. Wow, so now after feeling sick and gaining a lot of weight, I lost 65 lbs. in 2009 and kept it off until an injury to my foot occurred and I could not walk or do my stationery bike. I have gained back 20 lbs. and am trying to get…
Basically new to My Fitness Pal. Needed a way to stay focused and go back to getting a balanced diet. I have multiple food allergies and lost 65 lbs. but this winter put 20 back. Have lost momentum and feel sluggish and fat! I vowed to not let that fat girl appear again but have regressed to bad eating habits and no…