

  • I use the calorie free flavors. I also like my water very cold. I drink a glass of water and "reward myself" with a glass of a flavored drink i.e. equate 0 calorie 0 sugar.
  • I weigh in daily on my wii! Always at the same time and before I eat. You will see the fluctuations daily (good or bad) just don't look at them as (life or death) Every day is a new day. There is no right or wrong way to do it. If it keeps you encouraged continue weighing daily if not do it only once a week. Just don't let…
  • I have both but have only used the wii...You do have to be self motivated for the wii.(which I struggle with and is the reason it has taken me so long to work at it) I do like the scale on the wii because I have seen the daily results. That has motivated me more than anything. Also the support I have from my friends on…