cpatt Member


  • I am new too. I would love to be your friend here.
  • I agree, I would consult with their pediatrician first. I ordered "Tony and the Kids" for my kids so that they could still workout with Tony, but geared toward kids. They also like the Shaun T workout for kids.
  • I am so sorry to hear about your little brother's passing! I just lost my husband in November and know the pain you are going through. Exercising, my children and my church are the only things that have kept me going. I would love to be here to support you in any way I can. I just sent you a friend invite. Cassie
  • Having had 4 knee surgeries in the past from old gymnastics injuries, I can totally relate. The major thing that you want to do is really strengthen all of the muscles around the knee. Lots of lunges and squats (be very careful tro keep your knees behind your toes, puting your weight on your heals), as well as standing…
    in Joint Pain Comment by cpatt April 2010