Hummus with crudites.
I am sorry to hear you are going through this. It sounds kind of scary to me. I remember when I was a smoker, people would say, just stop. Yah, thanks for that. That was helpful. I can imagine something similar with you. Do people say just eat? As if that would be any kind of helpful. Not sure HOW to be helpful. I cannot…
Yes I hear you about 9 days. I was at 14 before getting it all ripped out. (See your doc. 9 days may be indicative of problems. The long period might be related to any number of uterine maladies whose treatment is often covered by insurance.) First, for me I use St John's Wort to deal with the mood issues. Also increasing…
MINI bagel and a boiled egg works for me.
What does it mean to you to be "healthy"? Since I have a low caloric need as I try to lose a little, cheese is in great moderation for me. But for you it could be a good. It has calcium. Fat is no longer the bad guy it used to be. Nuts are pretty high in calories AND have great fats for your body.
I am about 200% more likely to blow it off in the evening than the morning. I put my workout clothes on the dresser the night before and a water bottle in the fridge. I put the video I want in the player. When I get up in the morning, I am kind of brainless. I take advantage of that by mindlessly following the script I set…
If it is shin splints, try looking at your foot strike. Many injuries and pain is caused by heel striking when running.
I disagree with the posters who say you have to eat the full 1200 calories. If you are sated and eating all those fruits and vegetables, you should be fine. The concern would be are you getting enough protein. If you don't care for meat, beans and rice together make a complete protein as does soy products. Starvation mode…
Many injuries are caused by improper running technique. Many people incorrectly believe that striking first with the heel and then rolling the foot to the tow is correct technique. Recent research indicates that this is not true. A flat foot fall or ball of the foot fall is much less injury prone. To test this out for…
Ounces (oz) is a measure of mass not volume. Recipes in the US are most often done with volume measurement. Using a dry style measuring cup allows for more precision when measuring dry ingredients. But volume is volume and a cup is a cup. From what I understand, recipes in European cook books are often written with…
A cup is a measure of volume. Fluid ounces is a measure of volume for liquids. One cup = 8 fl oz for liquids. This is the equivalent of 8 oz of WATER where oz is a measure of weight.
One thing not reported in this awesome post is an alternate way to get a complete protein is to mix beans / legumes and rice. What does bump mean?
Spot fat reduction is a myth. Do ab workouts and you will get nice muscle under your fat until your fat EVERYWHERE is less or gone.
Where did you get info for TGI Fridays? I don't see it on their web page. It is hard to imagine fries in anything and having it come out in the 500 calorie range.
Nope! Cuz I know that eating that few times a day is not ideal. Eating more often IS! If I am eating a meal that I have planned, and feel satisfied, I save the rest for later. That way I know it is already "counted". I feel like it is free food! I also keep sticks of fruits and veggies handy for snacking. When I need…
Now some people won't go for this, but I use egg beaters. It has protein without all the calories. Some people don't like the raw business. But they are pasteurized, so I feel safe about it. I add a touch of cinnamon and/or a spec of vanilla. I don't like the flavor of most protein powders. DISCLAIMER: Eat raw egg product…
Big glass of water before bed does the trick for me. Once asleep, I don't feel the hunger! ;)