

  • I'm a vegetarian but I only really eat veggies cooked. Weird I know! I've been trying to have salad but I just can't eat raw veggies :S.. try having vegetarian noodles and try to cook ur vegetables as least as possible to preserve their nutrients. 1-put olive oil on a sauce pan. 2-add onions and sesame oil. 3-add green…
    in Vegetables Comment by hayatt August 2008
  • L'Oreal :) special for whitening (night creams and regular)
    in fair skin Comment by hayatt August 2008
  • Vegetable noodles. I'm a vegetarian but you can add chicken if you want. or any type of sea food. Use Sesame Oil and add it to the pan of onions and olive oil. Cut some bell peppers, carrots and any veggies you want (mushrooms work nicely.) Add Balsamic and Soy Sauce for taste Throw in the noodles and stir-fry. -Tamara
    in HELP!! Comment by hayatt August 2008
  • Hey Newbie ! I'm a newbie too, i just joined a few days ago. Well, you know how women on average should consume 2000 calories a day? Well you can customize that to whatever you like (make it reasonable of course) and set a goal for yourself! Based on how much you want to lose, you can customize your goal by making your max…
    in Newbie! Comment by hayatt August 2008
  • THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO! (just to get your attention because I am so so serious!) SWIMMING! if you're feeling a bit shy, go to the pool on an empty day and do laps. GET YOUR SELF TIRED! freestyle works the best because if you're not a pro swimmer, you can catch up on it easily and just move really fast. I did this for…