

  • This DVD is amazing. I am a fairly consistent gym go'er, about 3 times a week for about an hour. Let me tell you that this DVD made me sweat more in 20 minutes than I ever have at the gym for an hour. It is intense, but you get an amazing workout that tones and burns calories. I was aching for 2 days after the first time I…
  • My advice would be to start with the elliptical since you have not been active lately. Trust me on this one. I was so eager in the beginning that I decided to take a step aerobics class and nearly killed myself and couldn't walk for the next week. This impacted the fact that 1) my calves were on fire for a few days and it…
  • There is also Orange Sorbet that is really good. If I'm not mistaken its about 70 calories for 1 cup. It is absolutely delicious and is a great substitute for ice cream.