

  • some favorite authors: Steven Erikson (EPIC fantasy novels) Ian Esslemont Jim Butcher! (the Dresden files are fast and fun to get into, and just get better; Codex Alera is also really good) Stephen King Simon Green (although I find his books to get repetitive) Neil Gaiman (Neverwhere is a fun one to get lost in)
  • I've been a pack to 2 pack a day smoker for about 15 years. I switched to an e-cig as one of my New Years resolutions and have felt a tremendous difference in how I feel. I'm currently still using a liquid solution that contains nicotine, but plan to eventually lower and then eliminate the nicotine completely. I've quit…
  • 1. I have told most of my family and friends that I quit smoking completely as a New Year's Resolution, but the truth is I switched to an e-cigarrette. (Not as bad, but still not quitting). 2. Despite the fact that I'm a 300 pound, intimidating-looking (so I've been told) man, I was in an abusive relationship, and was…
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